Knowledge v Skill, Which type you are?

Ajay Sharvesh M P
6 min readDec 30, 2020



Hello Guys!!!!!! Welcome to my blog. This is Ajay here, and I’m an engineer working in a startup. In this blog, you’re gonna see about Knowledge v Skill; Which is required? and What type are you?

I can see a few people are thinking about Knowledge and Skill are the same. Of course, NOT buddies; it’s the state of the process.

Knowledge is familiarity, awareness, or understanding of something, so it’s kinda learning something.

Skill is the sense to do an activity or job well, mainly because you have practiced something.

Photo by Matthew Feeney on Unsplash (Thanks for your image).

In this video, we will see the

  1. Delusion on Knowledge & Skill,
  2. Dunning Kruger Curve,
  3. Aj’s Formula and Curve (Of course, it’s mine)

1. Delusion on Knowledge & Skill

Knowledge is the theoretical belief of a subject. It can refer to an awareness of general concepts and factual information.

Example: You might know a Cake recipe by heart, like ingredients, but the problem is, is that enough to bake a cake? You should see the temperature based on different cake types, and making the perfect cake should need practice. So “Practice Develop the Skill.”

Photo by Swapnil Dwivedi on Unsplash (Thanks for your image)

Skills are the proficiencies you progress through training or experience. They refer to the sense to apply knowledge to precise and practical situations.

Example: Imagine you’re riding a bicycle, since it’s your first time, so you don’t have the skill to ride a bicycle, but you know the specifications, parts along with the bicycle in theory. Not all one learns to ride a bike on the first day itself. It takes you hours of practice to ride a bicycle.

Photo by Murillo de Paula on Unsplash (Thanks for your image)

Let me discuss my experience with how people understood Knowledge and Skill. Many are continuously asking me that,

  • What are the certifications to do to get this particular job?
  • I know this technology, and shall I include it in my resume?
  • I know this technology, and what should I learn next?
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash (Thanks for your image)

Since you can’t master anything in the certifications, skill matters the most to master in any field.

  • If you’re a doctor, you know how to do the surgical operation, but you should need to practice the most to do a successful operation.
  • If you’re a CS guy, you know Java programming and memorized all the syntax, but in real-time, you can’t work on real-time projects. Because you just learned the syntaxes and concepts, but you haven’t known where to apply those syntaxes and concepts.

So, the answers for the above questions are,

If you want to do a certification, go do it and start work on some projects. If you’re going to add what you’ve learned, work on some basic work, and then add it to your resume. If you know the technology and want to learn a new one, start a project and upgrade it by learning new techs. That’s how you should work on it.

This blog will discuss the Dunning Kruger Curve and Aj Formula(my own derived one).

Note: Not copied, derived from my experience. First, I talk about the Dunning Kruger Curve.

2. Dunning Kruger Curve

Many people have knowledge, but the level of skills is a challenge that leads to productivity issues. But here I gonna explain to you how we can improve upon that. What I gonna use here is Dunning Kruger Curve. In this curve, I can tell my own experience, when I acquire knowledge through blogs, videos, and audiobooks, I estimate my knowledge to be very high; however, on that topic. However, when I learn more about that topic, I conclude that it is a lot more complicated, and as a result, my knowledge goes down. And then, over time, I start building up knowledge up again.

Dunning Kruger Effect (Knowledge)
Dunning Kruger Effect (Knowledge)

For instance, I can learn how to swim by seeing videos and textbooks, but it’s not going to make me a swimmer. To own swimming, I essentially need to go into the water and start the swim. I prefer the skill. If I drag alone the same curve now, my skill improves. Skill takes time. It takes repetitions. It takes learning from your mistakes. It sometimes takes years.

Dunning Kruger Effect (Knowledge & Skill)

Today, we see that an amateur will never spend that energy on it, and often, you know, stays an amateur. If I focus on it, it will take two years to become a professional and may take me four, five, six years if I immerse myself in becoming a reasonably decent expert with the amount of information.

Dunning Kruger Effect (Productivity)

Between 3months and 1year, you will be in the Productivity gap, where you start to learn and develop your skill. After the 1year, you should have enough stuff to be productive in your skillset. You’re probably the one who created your skillset in one year of progressive knowledge gain with the skill development. This is how the Dunning Krugar Curve works.

Let me discuss my perspective on developing knowledge, skills to do them effectively and efficiently.

3. Aj’s Formula and Curve

In my perspective, you can develop your knowledge on any topic in the public domain, books, audiobooks, blogs, and so on. But you’re gaining knowledge should be your first task, and then work on your stuff, which is the second task, to implement the acquired knowledge. So learning and developing skills at a time would in progress each day to accomplish your ability.

Aj’s Effect (Formula)

In this Aj’s formula, Ability is the one that makes you productive. To get that ability, you should need knowledge and skill with constant progress. I sometimes learn and develop skills sometimes; it’s quite a messy curve in my point.

Aj’s Effect (Knowledge & Skill Curve)

You’re learning process may go up, down, or even swirly manner. You may feel well known, then you think you haven’t known much, and then you will be in a dilemma between them, but the skill you have experienced will have a curved growth. There are no downs for skill growth. So there is no time limit to become a professional or expert. Your constant learning and skill development make your growth better fast, but it depends on your daily progress and the effort you’re taking to learn and work. The more you engage with this thing, the quicker you get to be productive. So this is how Aj’s formula and curve works.


I hope you understand the difference between Knowledge and Skill and how to perform both simultaneously to speed up the process to be productive in your life. And if you follow the Aj’s formula, I swear you’ll get the results.

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